- Pennsylvania, USA -
The Humane Society of Cambria County arrested 37-year-old KELLY LYNN HUFF (pictured).
On January 21, 2025, humane officers responded to HUFF’s home on Chandler Avenue in Johnstown after receiving complaints about animals being abused and neglected.
Officers found six cats, seven dogs, and two reptiles who were being kept in squalid conditions. According to investigators, the home was covered in feces and urine. Sadly, inside the home, officers also discovered four deceased dogs.
Officials said the Voiceless Victims did not have any access to food or water
Following the first visit to HUFF’s home, four additional dogs, who had also been abused and neglected, were surrendered, totaling nineteen (19) animals who were rescued and are now at the Humane Society of Cambria County.
According to the affidavit, several animals were “concerningly skinny.” Many of them had open wounds, overgrown toenails, and were suffering from severe hair loss and skin irritation caused by fleas.
HUFF is behind bars at Cambria County Prison and bail was set at $350,000.
Court records show she is facing:
14 felony counts of Aggravated Cruelty to Animals - Causing SBI or Death
18 misdemeanor counts of Neglect of Animals – Sustenance/Water
15 misdemeanor counts of Neglect of Animals – Vet Care
10 misdemeanor counts of Cruelty to Animals
HUFF was arraigned on February 3, 2025, and her next court appearance was rescheduled to take place on February 19, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.
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Voice For Us Disclaimer: Please note that details may be removed or new information added should updates become available.
In the case of charges being dropped, dismissed, or the case being purged, this article will be rectified accordingly, if official documentation is provided to Voice For Us.
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