- Louisiana, USA -
The Jeff Davis Parish Sheriff’s Office said in a Facebook post that on Tuesday, June 15, deputies were dispatched to 19206 Highway 90 Lot 51 (Lost Shoe RV Park) in reference to a disturbance.
Upon arrival, deputies found “an irate male subject standing outside the camper”, said the sheriff’s office.
That male was identified as 23-year-old GREGORY LYNN BOTLEY (pictured below).
When deputies tried to talk to BOTLEY to find out what happened, BOTLEY walked away but the complainant reported that she had been pushed by BOTLEY, and a witness told deputies that BOTLEY had kicked and abused a blue nosed Pitbull dog.
According to a news release by the sheriff’s office, deputies noticed blood on BOTLEY’s shoes.
BOTLEY, of 19206 Hwy 90 Lacassine, was placed under arrest for aggravated animal cruelty and domestic abuse battery.
He was booked into the parish jail.
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