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GEORGE MICHAEL AMMONS arrested after being witnessed kicking a puppy into traffic

Writer's picture: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Florida, USA -

Santa Rosa County deputies arrested 34-year-old GEORGE MICHAEL AMMONS (pictured below) after several witnesses said he kicked a puppy into traffic.

WEARTV reports that the incident happened in the area of Winston Brown Road and Munson Hwy where witnesses saw AMMONS forcefully kicking the furbaby as he was walking him.

According to the report, one witness said they had to slam on the brakes to avoid driving into the puppy.

Reportedly, AMMONS told deputies, “I am teaching my dog not to run in traffic.”

As reported by WERARTV, deputies took the puppy, a 3-month-old Bristol Pit mix, and placed him with animal control.

The furbaby was examined and it emerged that one of his legs was inflamed.

Online records show AMMONS, of Winston Brown Road in Milton, was booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail on May 19, and charged with animal cruelty.

Bond was set at $5,000.

I have emailed Sheriff Bob Johnson to inquire about the puppy’s status.

I will post an update if I get a response.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Link included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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