- Indiana, USA -
On the night of Sunday, September 24, 2023, officers with the Evansville Police Department responded to a domestic violence call at a property on Taylor Avenue.
According to the police report obtained by Voice For Us, a woman had called stating “he has been hitting her” then disconnected. Central dispatch reported that number had called in twice and disconnected. The woman was able at one point to report that the male “had been drinking and hurting the dogs as well.”
Upon arrival, officers made contact with the woman outside the residence. She told officers that her husband, 48-years-old JOHN THOMAS KAISER (pictured), had come back home intoxicated from a friend's house and while they were in the living room watching TV, he became angry over a show and began a verbal argument. As Mrs. Kaiser started packing some stuff so she could leave, he started hitting and kicking one of the two dogs, a male Chow Chow named Harry. Despite the horrifying situation Mrs. Kaiser was facing, her priority was the well-being of those Voiceless Victims. As she attempted to get the dogs out of the home, KAISER "shoved her in the kitchen and began hitting her with a closed fist on her face", stated the report.
While Mrs. Kaiser was being beaten, she was able to get the dogs out of the home and put them in her van. Unfortunately, during the altercation, she dropped the keys and KAISER refused to give them to her.
According to the report, Mrs. Kaiser sustained several injuries. "Officers did not observe visible injuries to the dogs; however, they are very long haired canines and it would have been difficult to observe injury", stated the report. Furthermore, both furbabies were "visibly upset" and could not be evaluated by officers on the scene.
The report does not mention whether the dogs were later examined by a veterinarian and the Evansville Police Department does not have this information.
Before officers struggled to handcuff KAISER, he threw a metal dog food/water bowl at the officers. He was extremely uncooperative. Officers also sustained injuries as a result of KAISER's aggressive behavior.
KAISER is charged with animal cruelty, domestic battery and two counts of resisting law enforcement.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from an official police report.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such source report an update.
KAISER’s mugshot provided to Voice or Us by the Evansville Police Department.
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