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WARNING! Cat killers on the loose in Doncaster – Please keep your furbabies inside at all times

- South Yorkshire, England -

In the last few weeks, two cats have been found dead in Scawsby, Doncaster.

The body of a deceased cat was found horrifically burned on a disposable barbecue in an alleyway off Lincoln Road in Wheatley.

Following this discovery, the RSPCA has launched an investigation.

Days after this senseless murder, another cat was found killed.

A 2-year-old cat named Luna had been missing for more than 24 hours, and then her guardian, Bryan Jacques, wrote in a Facebook post that Luna had been shot with an air rifle.

Luna’s tiny lifeless body was found on the Roman Ridge path behind Layden Drive and Rosedale School in Scawsby.

Melanie Watson, who lives in Intake, says that her cat Gertrude was shot twice.

Back in January, when Gertrude was shot, she was taken to a veterinarian’s office, and amazingly, an X-ray revealed the presence of another bullet, which was lodged in her stomach, that was months old.

Watson said: “She now has a bullet in her stomach and also a bullet lodged next to her carotid artery which she will have for the rest of her life until it moves and kills her.

“She’s only two years old. I’ve had three cats also go missing since I’ve lived in this house.”

Reportedly, Watson said that police told her this is an ongoing problem in Doncaster.

And yet, cats are allowed out knowing the risks they are exposed to!

Watson also said: “I understand that some people really don’t like cats, but honestly all you have to do is open the window and shout or just scare them off you don’t have to try and kill them.”

In my humble opinion, all you have to do is keep your furbabies supervised at all times!

It would be nice to live in a world where our animals could be left outside without our supervision and not worry that they could be harmed or killed.

Sadly, we do not! That freedom has been taken away by sick, evil monsters who have no regard for life or nature.

There was also a gruesome discovery of a dozen chickens who have been slaughtered.

They were found on an allotment in Intake.

If anyone has information related to these cases, please come forward and speak up!

Give these voiceless souls justice.

Please call the South Yorkshire Police with details on 101. Thank you!

*Voice For Us believes that not reporting animal cruelty is the same as committing it!*

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