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WALTER RIEVES arrested for shooting a duck with a bow and arrow

- Florida, Volusia County, USA -

Edgewater Police say that 23-year-old WALTER RIEVES (pictured below) shot a Muscovy duck with a bow and arrow.

The incident happened Sunday, April 19, at a property on 2702 Mango Tree Drive in Edgewater.

Reportedly when police questioned RIEVES, a self-employed contractor, he told officers that he had one arrow left for his bow, and he asked someone if he could shoot the duck.

So, when this person told RIEVES that it was not against the law to shoot ducks, RIEVES did it.

This sick psycho shot a harmless bird.

Although a witness tried to help the duck, the effort was unsuccessful, so the injured duck was taken to the Marine Discovery Center.

The police report states that: “Due to Rieves harming an animal with no legitimate reason, he was subsequently placed under arrest in reference to animal cruelty.”

*Voice For Us’ note: Edgewater Police, no reason is ever legitimate enough to harm or kill an animal!*

RIEVES made bail and left the Volusia County Branch Jail on a misdemeanor charge.

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