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STEVEN HORN accused of stabbing dog at Fort Greene Park

- New York, USA -

Authorities have arrested 61-year-old STEVEN HORN for stabbing a dog who bounded up to his own dog.

The victim is a 3-year-old Great Dane and Bernese Mountain Dog mix named Bandit.

The incident happened on February 20, 2021, at Fort Greene Park in Brooklyn.

News Chant reports that HORN was walking his dog, a Basenji named Rex, while Bandit was being walked by his guardian during off-leash hours.

According to News Chant, Bandit’s guardian said that HORN took out a pocketknife after Bandit started to strategy Rex.

While HORN’s lawyer, Murray Richman, told the Daily News his client acted in self-defense, Bandit’s guardian said: “There was no tussle between the dogs when he bent down and stabbed Bandit in the side. It was not in self-defense at all. It was not provoked … That guy could have removed his dog and walked away.”

People started gathering around Bandit as he began to bleed after being stabbed.

NBCNewYork reports that Bandit’s guardian “then tried to staunch the bleeding with their jacket and took Bandit to the Blue Pearl Animal hospital, according to a complaint filed with the Criminal Court of New York City. Once there, Bandit was treated under deep sedation for a puncture wound to the upper chest that penetrated the skin, deeper tissue layers and underlying muscle, according to court records of the veterinarian report.”

Bandit’s stitches have been removed and he is now recovering from the stabbing.

Prosecutors charged HORN with aggravated animal cruelty, menacing, criminal possession of a weapon, and injuring an animal.

HORN was arrested on March 4, 2021, and then released without bail as the case against him proceeds.

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