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SABRINA DROESCHER, owner of “Love Shack Rescue” charged with 103 counts of animal cruelty

- West Virginia, USA -

On Monday, April 5, the Hampshire County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant at the “Love Shack Rescue” located off Timber Mountain Road, near Capon Bridge and seized 102 dogs.

According to a news release, the sheriff’s office has been investigating this rescue for several months.

The sheriff’s office said the owner of the rescue, SABRINA DROESCHER (pictured below), “was given specific reasonable guidelines she needed to follow in order to comply with State Law and our County Ordinance pertaining to operating a rescue. Unfortunately, the owner did not comply with the guidelines and the conditions at the rescue continued to worsen, to the point we believe the living conditions are not suitable for the dogs.”

Deputies, Hampshire County Animal Shelter staff, and a veterinarian were at the rescue on Monday and Tuesday identifying and tagging all the dogs housed at “Love Shack Rescue.”

The sheriff’s office said the rescue “had multiple makeshift kennels set up outside in a wooded area, dogs being kept in cages inside outbuildings, in two separate houses, and some in vehicles.”

According to the news release, the sheriff’s office is confident that DROESCHER does not have the proper resources to care for such a large number of dogs and “Love Shack Rescue” will be shut down.

Although DROESCHER voluntarily relinquished ownership of several dogs, she plans to contest the seizure of at least 12 dogs.

Disturbing facts emerged from the investigation.

It turned out that several rescues from the southern states were shipping dogs to the “Love Shack Rescue” without doing any type of reputable reference checks and/or on-site visits.

The sheriff’s office rightfully said that these rescues also need to be investigated and most likely shut down.

According to the latest update of April 13, the sheriff’s office said that “Further search of the property has led to the discovery of a total of 21 dead dogs in various stages of decay, most of these dogs were dumped on the property in trash bags.”

As per the news release, DROESCHER stated she was also burying dogs under concrete on the property and there are makeshift concrete pads located on the property.

SABRINA DROESCHER has been charged with 103 counts of animal cruelty.

I want to know what kind of sick judge will allow her to have some of the dogs back!

This worthless individual is not even fit to have bed bugs!

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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