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REWARD offered in hope of discovering who drowned five puppies – one at a time - at Bramble Park

- Arkansas, USA -

Authorities are investigating the grisly discovery of five puppies, deliberately drowned at Bramble Park.

According to Texarkana Gazette, Arkansas-side code enforcement officers first found the puppies and informed animal control.

Director of Animal Services Kayla Tucker and animal control officers then responded to the scene.

They believe that the poor puppies were likely drowned Wednesday night, May 6.

Reportedly, the puppies were found at different spots around the pond.

Director Tucker believes that the puppies were placed one at a time in the red crate they found by the pond, the person(s) closed the lid, they held the crate underwater until they believed the puppy was dead, they then pulled the crate out and moved on to the next puppy.

Director Tucker said that because turtles or other scavenger wildlife had gotten to the bodies of the puppies, it was difficult to determine much about them.

She also said: "From what I could see, four of them were black and rust and one was solid black. They looked like possibly little rottweiler-pit mix puppies, and they were anywhere from eight to 10 weeks old.”

Texarkana Gazette reports that the puppies’ bodies are being held in cold storage as evidence.

Director Tucker hopes that someone will come forward and speak up.

She said: “Hopefully someone will step forward and do the right thing, because your main concern is that if someone is capable of drowning five puppies individually, your fear is that it could only escalate onto people next.”

We all know too well that’s very possible!

If caught, the culprit would face five counts of felony aggravated animal cruelty and the possibility of 10 years in prison.

So, let’s not leave this despicable and dangerous individual out there walking our streets.

If anyone has information related to this case, please call the Animal Care & Adoption

Center, Texarkana, USA at (870) - 773 - 6388 and asked to speak with an ACO or Director. Thank you.

*Voice For Us believes that not reporting animal cruelty is the same as committing it!*

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