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REWARD offered in a case of a family cat found decapitated in the backyard of her family home

- New York, Suffolk County, USA -

On Monday early morning, March 30, a Centereach family made a gruesome and devastating discovery in the backyard of their home on Oak Street.

In the center of the yard, they discovered their cat named Pepper decapitated.

Her head was not in the yard.

A necropsy revealed that the female black/tan colored furbaby had a blunt force trauma to the tiny chest, had also broken ribs, and her death was not caused by another animal but likely by a sharp tool.

Roy Gross, chief of the Suffolk County SPCA said: "This animal appears to have been tortured and killed."

Mr. Gross said animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Suffolk County.

Whoever killed Pepper faces a felony aggravated animal cruelty charge, which could result in up to two years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

The Suffolk County SPCA is offering a $1,000 reward in exchange for information leading to the identification and arrest of the sicko who committed such a despicable act.

If you witness any incident of animal cruelty or neglect in Suffolk County please contact the Suffolk County SPCA at (631) 382-7722. All calls will be kept confidential.

Anyone who witnessed this crime or has information related to this case please come forward and speak up. Thank you!

*Voice For Us believes that not reporting animal cruelty is the same as committing it!*

*Voice For Us’ note: Please keep your furbabies supervised at all times like you would with your human children. Do not let them out of your sight, not everyone out there is an animal lover. There is evil out there too!*

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