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LINUS GILES GOODMAN arrested for killing three dogs he shared with his estranged wife

Updated: Sep 5, 2020

- North Carolina, USA -

On Tuesday, May 26, Rowan County Sheriff’s Office charged 39-year-old LINUS GILES GOODMAN (pictured below), with felony three counts of animal cruelty for shooting and killing his three dogs.

The Sheriff’s Office received a call on Tuesday from GOODMAN’s estranged wife.

She told deputies she and the accused had been separated for about a month, and he was threatening her.

The couple had three dogs together, Cooter, Enos, and Luke.

The woman showed deputies a text message she received from GOODMAN which had a picture of liquor and a rifle sitting on the top of his truck and another picture of what appeared to be their dogs covered in the bed of his truck.

Reportedly GOODMAN sent a text that read, “killed the [expletive] dogs,” Capt. John Sifford confirmed.

The sheriff’s office was able to obtain arrest warrants on GOODMAN and served them at his home in the 11100 block of Cool Springs Road in the Township of Cleveland.

A deputy went to his home, but GOODMAN was not there.

The deputy found a dog run in the yard with no dogs in it and a fence with blood on it.

The killer of three innocent dogs was taken to the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office.

He was simply issued a $7,500 secured bond and was RELEASED!!!

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