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JAMES LEE ABORN accused of shooting neighbors’ animals

- Missouri, USA -


The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office announced the arrest of 72-years-old JAMES LEE ABORN (pictured), of Ava.


In a media release, the sheriff's office said that ABORN became involved in incidents with his neighbors and their animals.


One of ABORN’s neighbors filed a complaint with the Douglas County Sheriff's Office after she believed that ABORN shot and killed her cats. The woman then filed another complaint after discovering that one of her dogs had been killed by ABORN. On the morning of January 22, 2024, the woman let her two dogs out but a while later, only one of them came back. The woman told the sheriff’s office that when she went outside, she found the second dog deceased underneath her porch. The Voiceless Victim appeared to have recently died of a gunshot wound.

Another neighbor was at the scene and told the woman that in the morning they heard a gunshot near ABORN’s property. reports that according to the probable cause statement, ABORN and his wife denied any involvement in the death of the dog. ABORN, however, admitted to firing a weapon while seeing the dog traversing his property.


In the media release, the sheriff’s office also mentioned incidents where ABORN shot squirrels on his property to lure his neighbors’ cats over so that he could shoot them too.


According to the media release, one of the incidents reported by the neighbors refers to ABORN calling a neighbor names while exposing himself to her. To this regard, Springfield News-Leader reports: “In more recorded footage submitted to authorities, police say that a laughing Aborn encourages the neighbors to film him urinating toward them, saying ‘you probably like this big ol’ (expletive) don’t yaand ‘idiots from California.’ The neighbors don't appear to provoke Aborn, according to the police report. The video was recorded at night, resulting in poor visibility.”


After a warrant for ABORN’s arrest was issued, ABORN turned himself into the sheriff’s office on February 4, 2024.

The murderer was charged with one count of animal abuse, four counts of first-degree harassment, and one count of first-degree sexual misconduct.


According to the sheriff’s office, ABORN was released after posting a $10,000 cash only bond on the condition that he cannot have contact with neighbors, no firearms or ammunition, CPS supervision with Alcohol Monitoring and no consumption of alcohol.


On a separate note, Springfield News-Leader reports that seven years ago, ABORN shot and killed his brother amid a longtime family feud. As reported by, ABORN was found not guilty for second-degree murder.


Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Please note that details may be removed or new information added should such sources report an update.

In the case of charges being dropped, dismissed, or the case being purged, this article will be rectified accordingly, if official documentation is provided to Voice For Us.



ABORN’s mugshot via the Douglas County Sheriff's Office

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