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Family of four German Shepherds rescued from possible dogfighting

- Texas, USA -

The Houston Humane Society said that a family of four German Shepherds were rescued after being found “emaciated and suffering from extreme skin conditions and fungal infections.”

The furbabies were rescued, as part of an animal cruelty case, from a property on 14700 Almeda Road after BARC Animal Control officers conducted a sweep of a local neighborhood near Fourth Ward.

According to Click2Houston, authorities said they had received reports of homeless dogs in the area.

The Houston Humane Society wrote in a Facebook post that BARC officers witnessed the conditions of the dogs and realized they were in danger and needed immediate medical attention.

The furbabies were then transported to the Houston Humane Society to be treated.

The medical team evaluated the poor dogs and “saw signs of motor oil being used to treat the mange the dogs suffer from”, said the humane society.

As the nonprofit rightfully said, motor oil is very dangerous and “can cause severe damage to your pet.”

The examination further revealed that the pups also suffer from fungal infections in their ears, anemia, and open sores on the skin.

The humane society said that two of the four dogs appear to have suffered from upper and bottom lip trauma possibly caused by fighting.

All the furbabies are now receiving weeks-long medical treatment.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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