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Deceased dog with head and legs stuffed in a pillowcase found on bank of Hollywood canal

Writer's picture: voiceforusvoiceforus

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

- Florida, USA -

~ Update: July 9, 2022

I have emailed reporter Jeff Weinsier with Local 10 and addressed my concern about the discrepancy between Ms. Benford’s statement about how she discovered the dog, and what the video published by Local 10 shows.

~ Original story:

Hollywood Police are investigating after a deceased dog was discovered with his/her head and legs stuffed in a pillowcase.

The lady who made the horrific discovery, Ms. Norma Benford, posted the heartbreaking pictures and video on Facebook and alerted the authorities.

While the initial reactions from devastated and outraged people understandably called the incident an act of animal cruelty, police are saying the dog may have died of natural causes, or he/she could have been sick and this may a case of illegal dumping.

Ms. Benford found the furbaby on Independence Day on a canal bank off Johnson Street by Stanley Goldman Memorial Park.

When she noticed the body of the dog, she rushed over to the spot.

She told Local 10: “I was sitting here and I looked over and I said, ‘Geez, that looks like a body.’ I came across this horrible scene. He looked like he was well taken care of. He wasn’t skinny, no ribs (showing). How could someone do that?

Ms. Benford said police remained on the scene for a few hours and an investigator removed the pillowcase from the dog’s head.

She further told Local 10: “By his head they found a collar and they found a toy, a dog toy.”

The remains of the VOICELESS VICTIM were taken to Hollywood Animal Hospital for a necropsy.

If you have any information about this case, please, call the Hollywood Police Department at (954) - 967- 4636. Thank you!

Something about this case puzzles me and I want to share it with you. According to Ms. Benford, she saw from across the canal what appeared to be a body and when she rushed over, she found a dog with a pillowcase on his/her head, and a pillowcase on the dog’s legs. However, the video published by Local 10, shows reporter Jeff Weinsier interviewing Ms. Benford and when she recounts the events while pointing at the spot, a dog can be seen in the video laying without pillowcases.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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1 Comment

Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Jul 08, 2022

The discovery of this blessed soul is puzzling. I truly hope the authorities go all the way with this case. Was she murdered then disposed? And in agreement with the author of this post, why were the pillow cases missing? Please do not just walk away from this case without giving this precious soul justice.

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