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Sperm whale was found dead on Seilebost Beach

- Scotland -

On Thursday, November 28, a sperm whale was found dead on Seilebost Beach in the Isle of Harris.

The Scottish organization that investigates stranded marine mammals, Scottish Marine Animal Strandings Scheme (SMASS), wrote in their Facebook post: “In this whale’s stomach was approximately 100kg of marine debris- a whole range of plastic including sections of net, bundles of rope, plastic cups, bags, gloves, packing straps and tubing. All this material was in a huge ball in the stomach and some of it [it] looked like it had been there for some time.”

SMASS also wrote that members of the coastguard and the Western Isles council disposal team helped them perform a necropsy and then also helped bury the poor mammal on-site.

USA TODAY reports that Dan Perry, administrator of SMASS Facebook page, told them in a Facebook message: "The issue of pollution, plastics and ocean debris is a worldwide issue that needs action." He also added: "We all need to use less plastic but also get involved in cleaning up what is already out there. Too many people turn a blind eye to it thinking it's someone else's problem."

I totally agree with him!

Pictures via SMASS

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