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Cat found stuck in a dumpster is recovering

- New Jersey, USA -

On September 28, the nonprofit Freedom Farm Animal Rescue posted on their Facebook page that they were contacted about a cat stuck in a dumpster at Cedarville landfill.

The furbaby appeared to have a broken front leg/paw.

Staff had to climb down to carefully catch her and get her out.

The feline, who was named Grace, was taken to a vet for an emergency visit.

An X-ray revealed the presence of a BB pellet in her tiny skull which did not seem to cause any pain.

Her back feet on the other hand, were bloody and her claws were all split and broken from trying to free herself from the dumpster.

A few days later there was a reassuring update about Grace posted on the shelter’s Facebook page.

Grace was back to using normally the leg suspected to be broken.

According to the latest update, Grace will be placed in a loving home and have a better life from now on.

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